New Feature: Portrait Sharing

March 16, 2024

Ever wanted to share an image from RPG Portrait with a friend? Perhaps to get their feedback or just to show them something cool? Maybe you're a dungeon master creating portraits for your players? Now it's easier than ever.

After creating a portrait, you'll see a "Share with others" button on the portrait page.

Screenshot showing the new "Share with others" button

Just click that button and you'll see the following.

Screenshot of the portrait sharing widget after clicking "Share"

From there just click the "Copy Link" button and paste the link into your email, Facebook messages, Discord server, or whatever app you use.

When your friends follow the link, they will see a simplified version of the portrait page like this.

Screenshot of the shared portrait page

Give portrait sharing a try. We'd love for you to share your favorites with us!

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Want to bring your D&D characters to life?

With RPG Portrait you can create stunning character images in 3 minutes or less.

Start Conjuring Portraits

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